Not only in all areas of AP but also in all other areas such as Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Overseas, Stylish Star Allu Arjun's 'Race Gurram' has registered the blockbuster success. In Overseas, the movie has already crossed the milestone of $1 M. One more sensation of 'Race Gurram' is awaited now.
As we know, Allu Arjun has huge market in Kerala. He became Mallu Arjun for his Kerala fans. 'Race Gurram' has been dubbed as 'Lucky' in Malayalam. The movie is expected to be released in the first week of May in Kerala. Whenever the movie is released, a blockbuster will be reserved for Allu Arjun in Kerala. Directed by Surender Reddy, the movie has Shruthi Haasan as the lady lead. Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Proudctions is the production house of the movie.