Kangna Ranaut’s absorbing performance in Hindi movie ‘Queen’ has raked the BO with huge collections. After ‘The Dirty Picture’ of Vidya Balan, it’s only ‘Queen’ which made high a triumph on Bollywood with a female centric subject. Like Bollywood, even Telugu audiences are artistic and welcoming heroine oriented films from a very long time. Off late, we have seen films like ‘Arundathi’ and now ‘Anamika, Geethanjali’ in making.
Anyways, top heroine Samanta waiting for a complete heroine-centric subject is heard to have been approached by one of the top Telugu producer on the topic of remaking ‘Queen’ in Telugu. Though no other official updates are reported but this is a golden opportunity for Samanta to fulfill her desire of doing a pure performance based character. Away from glamour roles, Sam wants to make a mark as an artist and let us hope ‘Queen’ does so.