After the entry of Brahmanandam into Telugu cinema, comedy and treatment of comic characters is not the same. From the times of directors like Jandhayala, EVV to present day Srinu Vytla, Vinayak, one should credit Brahmi’s talent in modifying to the tastes of audience either following the trend or creating a trend. Today, Brahmanandam is highest remuneration taker among the entire comedy artists community of India or say world. Enough isn’t enough, our public is still happy to see Brahmi again and again until he makes them laugh and laugh.
Looks like Srinu Vytla is going to offer a surprise package in ‘Aagadu’ in the form of Posani Krishna Murali, who is growing as best comedy and supporting artist in parallel with his writing career. Last few years, Posani is projected in wonderful and hilarious characterizations which entertained us to the core. What so ever, he did not get enough mileage as what Brahmi used to get. If at all, Srinu’s trick to make Posani stand as top comedian of ‘Aagadu’ show gets fruitful results, then we might see Posani as the real substitute to Brahmi.