In an unfortunate and ghastly Accident, sixteen school going children and a driver were killed when the Nanded-Secunderabad passenger train rammed into the school bus at an unmanned railway crossing at Chegunta in Massaipet village in Medak district on Thursday, 24th of July. It appears waste of time cursing anybody else now instead of thinking about the lessons can be learnt from this tragedy. Wish that following rules will strictly be observed by the people and the governments.
* The railways ministry should immediately arrange the gates at railway level crossings. We don't want bullet trains and super fast trains. Instead, basic infrastructure, amenities are required.
* Severe punishments should be imposed on the people who use mobile phones on driving their vehicles. The revolution should come from the passengers itself.
* Owners of the vehicles should be cautious appointing the drivers. They must be more cautious sending the drivers to the new places.