Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth and top director Shankar's 'Robo' got earth shattering collections in Tamil and Telugu while it was not lived upto the expectations in bollywood. Having directed this technical extravaganza, Shankar proved his great command on his technical brilliance.
And now, news is making rounds that Shankar is planning the sequel of 'Robo' which titled 'Robo 2' with Rajinikanth as the hero. But then, is it a right step from Shankar? Rajinikanth's previous movie 'Kochadaiyaan',which was made with 100+ crores was bombed at the box office. Currently, Rajini is doing 'Lingaa' with a comfortable budget. If 'Robo 2' gets materialized, the movie would need hundreds of crores of budget. For sequels, this much budget is definitely a dangerous game. Till some days ago, we heard the gossips that Shankar might work work with Megastar Chiranjeevi for a movie. It would have been the clever strategy if the director prefers to direct another legendary hero like Rajinikanth from the South. But Shankar has missed the opportunity. There were also reports that Shankar would direct Mahesh. Even that project was also not materialized. Finally, Shankar's movie was confirmed with Rajini. However, Telugu audiences, of late, are not encouraging dubbing movies, like before. In this scenario, it remains to be seen if Shankar-Rajini movie will do wonders in AP and Telangana or not.