Naga Chaitanya's 'Oka Laila Kosam's audio was launched some time ago and the movie should have been released a couple of days ago. However, as other films such as 'Power', 'Aagadu' and 'Govindhudu Andarivadele' have lined up release, the makers of 'Oka Laila Kosam' waited for a perfect slot to get their movie released. The movie is now releasing on 17th of this month.
The movie is expected to be a big hit at the box office due to many reasons. As of now, all the romantic entertainers, enacted by Naga Chaitanya have fared well at the ticket window. Like 'Ye Maaya Chesave', '100% Love' and 'Manam', Chaithu's new flick 'Oka Laila Kosam' is expected to be the blockbuster. That's why King Nagarjuna waited for the right time of release for the movie instead of releasing it hurriedly.