Gorgeous beauty Anushka's direct Telugu film 'Mirchi' got a blockbuster success at the ticket windows. The movie managed to dice out record collection figures. There after none of her Telugu movies has been released. Yet again, she has been in headlines with the two gigantic projects of tollywood 'Baahubali' and 'Rudhramadevi'. While she played a key role as Devasena in 'Baahubali', she played the title role in 'Rudhramadevi'.
However, Anushka's career in kollywood is running a lean patch. Her previous movie 'Ilandam Ulagaam'( Varna in Telugu) was a major dud at the box office. And now, her latest offing 'Lingaa' has received mixed responses on the first day of its release. Box office fate of the movei will be known in few more days. However, it's going to be a wake up call for this hot lady to be more cautious in choosing the right scripts in Telugu and Tamil.