Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth's 'Lingaa' movie's pirated CDs were seized by the police yesterday. According to the reports, around 60,000 CDs which include 3000 CDs of 'Lingaa' were caught by the CCS police on Friday at Vinukonda town of Gutur district. Apart from CDs the police seized 22 monitors and six inverters. The CD library was said to be the key zone for the export of pirated CDs to other districts and other states. The accused were also caught by the police red handed.
'Lingaa' was released in a record number of 2400 screens across the globe on 12th of December. Anushka and Sonakshi Sinha have romanced with Rajini in this message oriented commercial potboiler. AR Rehaman has scored the music of the movie. The movie was directed by KS Ravikumar while Aascar Ravichandran.