Power Star Pawan Kalyan is always a step ahead to serve the needy people. As we know, Pawan Kalyan's fans president Karuna Srinivas was attacked by miscreants at the venue of the audio launch of 'Gopala Gopala' and slit his throat. He is now getting recovered. Having learnt the unfortunate incident, Pawan Kalyan decided to lend a helping hand to the victim. Pawan Kalyan met Karuna Srinivas and his family members in his office this morning. He reportedly gave away Rs.50,000 to the fan for the treatment and other expenses.
Meanwhile, Pawan Kalyan's 'Gopala Gopala' is going for censor on 7th of January. The movie is expected to hit screens on January 10. Kishore Pardasani is the director of the movie.