Power Star Pawan Kalyan's 'Atharinitki Daredi' collected a share of Rs.81 crores. This is the highest ever share for any any Telugu film and has got the status of an industry hit. On the other hand, Stylish Star Allu Arjun's 'Race Gurram' collected Rs.59 crores last year and turned out to be the year's biggest grosser. Interestingly, both these movies rocked on Maha Shivarathri special midnight shows across AP and Telangana. Reports are out that both these movies got highest screenings on the midnight shows of various towns and cities.
Pawan Kalyan's 'Gabbar Singh 2' is going on sets in the month of March. Anisha Ambrose will pair up with him. This KS Ravindra's directorial venture will be produced by Sharrat Marar. Allu Arjun's 'S/O Satya Murthy' is in the last phase of its shoot. Trivikram is the director of this movie.