The names of two ministers were connected to the harassment on top actress Shruthi Haasan. Since media cooked up many stories on them, both the ministers refuted those gossips and made it clear they never traveled with Shruthi. Well, the matter is over.
But then, Shruthi crying on the incident was really heartbreaking had the matter was true. Since Shruthi Haasan has grown up individually as a top heroine, she should have possessed self esteem. She need not face humiliations from anybody and especially from politicians. Fortunately, no such incident happened. Even if the incident was true, instead of crying, she should have expressed her concern over before the media or share the same matter through social media.
Nowadays, many politicians from AP and other states are heard to be indulging unjustifiable acts like land grabbing, getting contracts through blackmailing, encouraging caste factors etc. So, they must be least respected by the top actresses like Shruthi.