Stylish Star Allu Arjun's 'S/o Satyamurthy' collected a share of Rs.30.32 crores world wide at the end of its first weekend run. However, we have also heard the official reports of gross of the movie as Rs.48.36 crores for four days. As of now, there is no such tradition of revealing gross collections for Telugu movies. But then, why this sudden change? On the other side, analysts have justified the revelation of gross collections of Telugu movies due to following factors.
WHAT OTHER INDUSTRIES ARE DOING?: Bollywood always boasts off its gross collections and usually hype their movies with the slogans 'India's biggest hit', 'India's classic' etc. as if Bollywood is the only industry in India. Kollywood's filmmakers also usually reveal the gross collections of their movies. However, most of their numbers are projected ones and not accurate figures. Even the remunerations of superstars are also fake. Unfortunately, AP media gives a lot more respect to Tamil superstars and always tries to degrade our superstars. Anyways, it's because of fake gross collections, many people misunderstand that Tamil industry is bigger than Tollywood. Except a few movies like 'Robo', 'I' etc. the statuses of almost all the Tamil movies are below par in comparison with Telugu movies based on their collections.
ADVANTAGES OF REVEALING GROSS COLLECTIONS TO TELUGU MOVIES: The cast and crew of Bollywood, Kollywood and other industries would realize how big Telugu film industry is. Except the movies of big stars like Shahrukh, Amir Khan and Salman Khan, the collections of Telugu movies are on par or higher than Hindi films despite being regional films. Finally, Bollywood stars arrogance and domination over South will be ended knowing the gross collections of our top heroes and understand the charisma, image and star power of our Telugu heroes are far bigger than them.
DISADVANTAGES OF REVEALING GROSS COLLECTIONS: It is difficult to be known whether the buyers get the profits or losses with gross collections. Only 'distribution share' reveals the exact status of the movie.
WHY GROSS COLLECTIONS REVEALED FOR S/O Satyamurthy?: Apart from the above reasons, the makers might also have decided to change the ongoing trend of revealing 'Shares' of the movies as such, they may claim the pioneers of this new trend. Since some abnormal figures of investment and pre release business are heard on Tollywood's costliest movie 'Baahubali', the collections of the movie might be given in gross numbers. Having anticipated this, 'SoS' makers might have revealed gross collections.
WHICH IS THE BEST IDEA FOR TIME BEING?: To avoid the confusion among the movie lovers, Tollywood's filmmakers should release both gross and share collections for two years. Afterwards, they can ignore share collections permanently.