SS Rajamouli is not just a super star director in Tollywood. He is a brand which sells like a hot cake all over the country and may be in world from now on. Take it from ‘Simhadri’ to ‘Eega’ or ‘Maryada Ramanna,’ the story or plot Rajamouli pens up with his dad Vijayendra Prasad won’t have any inventive element. Later, it’s the gripping screenplay and utmost passionate treatment with each of the characters given a life to perform on screen made Jakkanna a real sculptor of cinema.
More into details, Rajamouli never hided the story details or script graph of his past films. He narrated the entire story of his ‘Eega’ or ‘Maryada Ramanna’ to media people openly. Such are his confidence levels. Contrastingly, these Confidence Levels are transmuted into Confidential Levels for ‘Bahubali.’
Till date, Rajamouli has just introduced the characteristic names of artists in ‘Bahubali.’ Even when Adivi Sesh was trying to throw insights into the story at audio function, Jakkanna warned him. Now we hear that, Rajamouli and his team requested projector/cabin operators at Regional Censor Board Office to leave the screening during the process of Certification program. Why is Rajamouli maintaining lots of secrecy for the first time in his career?