Prince Mahesh, a couple days ago, announced that he would be adopting Burripalem, his native village and Chintalkunta of Telangana state. He is yet to plan how the villages are to be developed with all the facilities and amenities provided. Besides, he needs to tour those villages.
Interestingly, Prakash Raj, who is said to have been inspired with the main plot of 'Srimanthudu', had met the Telangana Panchayat Raj minister, KTR, yesterday and gave his consent to adopt Kondareddipalle village.
A day after the announcement was made, Prakahs has toured Kondareddy Palle village today and knew the problems being faced by the villagers. He noted down all the problems. Also, he planted sapling here and there. Prakash has made it clear that he would go for selfless service for the people there and wanted no political gains with his charity. Prakash Raj's philanthropic activities are very much appreciated by everyone and all.