It is a known news that the former minister of state for coal Dasari Narayan Rao, was accused in Jharkhand’s Amarkonda Murgadangal coal block allocation scam case. He tried to throw the blame on then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. “I was only the minister of state. All powers for allocating coal blocks are of the coal minister and the then coal minister was Manmohan Singh. All the decisions were taken by the PM,” Dasari earlier told to reporters.
It is learnt that the next hearing of the court in this case will happen on December 7. Dasari will attend the court. And more likely, he will be summoned more number of times by the court on this biggest scam case. That's why, Dasari is likely to be busier from December.
On the other hand, Dasari has to produce a movie with Power Star Pawan Kalyan as the hero. This movie is also expected to go on sets in the month of December. All in all, Dasari becomes busy from December.