Prince Mahesh's 'Brahmotsavam' is being canned in a brisk pace at the moment. As we reported earlier, the movie's audio launch is being planned on April 23 on a grand scale in temple town, Tirupati. According to the film nagar's buzz, the makers have allocated Rs. 2 crores for the audio launch of the movie.
It is also being said that huge temple set of lord Balaji will be erected in the playground of a local college for the audio launch of the movie and that's the reason for the huge budget allotted for the movie's audio event. Soon after the end of the event, Mahesh will leave for his native village Burripalem, which, earlier, was adopted by him.
Stunning beauties Kajal, Samantha and Pranitha are playing romantic interests of Mahesh in this complete family entertainer. Micky J Meyer scores the music of the movie. The movie is being directed by Srikanth Addala. Potluri Vara Prasad is producing the movie on PVP Cinema. The movie is hitting the screens in ;the month of May.