Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tejs 'Supreme' hit the screens today and carried above average reports from the audience. Sai Dharam Tej's energy and maturity in performance are being appreciated by the audience and critics. His electrifying dances captivated the audience. Rashi Khanna performed hilarious role as a cop. She was hot in 'Andam Hindolam' song which was also shot superbly. Action sequences and songs were shot lavishly.
The tunes composed by Sai Karthik were not so catchy while the BGM was okay. Shirish's production values were said to be good. Anil Ravipudi was again succeeded after 'Pataas' in making a mass entertaining movie with all commercial elements inducted in it. First half was entertaining while the second half was a bit let down.
At the box office, good run of the movie is assured given its action, comedy and child sentiment emotions. However, we need to wait and see for more days to get the exact verdict of the audience.