As Young Tiger NTR's 'Janatha Garage' hit the screens yesterday, all eyes have now turned towards highly anticipated film of the year, 'Dhruva' which starrer Mega Power Star Ram Charan. It is a known news that the makers have locked the release date of the film as October 7.
In the meanwhile, 'Dhruva's theatrical rights have been sold out to astronomical prices. We have been told that the film's theatricals were worth of Rs.9 crores for Ceded area. On the other hand, Kranthi Pictures of Vizag area acquired the film's rights for a whopping Rs.5.40 crores. Recently, 'Janatha Garage's rights were sold out to Rs.5.12 crores in this area.
'Dhruva' has Arvind Swamy in the role of an antagonist. Rakul Preet Singh shares the screen space with Ram Charan in this stylish action thriller. Hiphop Tamizha has composed the music of the movie. The movie is being directed by Surender Reddy on Geetha Arts.