There was a virtual rift running between Nandamuri Balakrishna and his elder brother Harikrishna over internal political affairs in Telugu Desam Party dated to long back. While Chandrababu Naidu kept camp fire burning, this could be first in recent times when Harikrishna’s sons Junior Ntr and Kalyan Ram openly praised their Babai Balakrishna calling ‘Gauthami Puthra Satakarni’ trailer as outstanding.
Yes, there was a storm of clicks on twitter pages of Tarak and Kalyan Ram in next few minutes to ‘Gauthai Puthra Satakarni’ trailer released prestigiously in 100 theaters and youtube marking a festival for Balayya admirers. In fact, none of these two have responded for GPSK first look and teaser but they could not resist excitement because trailer was undeniably in outstanding quality.
Can this be treated as first move by Harikrishna camp to patch up with Balayya Babu? If so, this will be a major strength booster for GPSK because Balakrishna was consistently criticized and attacked by Tarak followers for poor selection of past movies. If these two divided groups are united together in promoting GPSK as one more Telugu prestige on the lines of ‘Bahubali,’ this would matter the most in deciding Sankranti battle between two veteran Super Stars.