Here is an awesome news for Prince Mahesh's fans. Mahesh and director Vamsi Pydiapally's new film's producers' names have been revealed by none other Vamshi through his twitter handle. Dil Raju and senior producer Aswini Dutt will jointly produce the film.
"It's my pleasure to announce my next film with The Superstar @urstrulyMahesh. #MB25 This film will be produced by Aswani Dutt garu and Dil Raju garu. #MB25," tweeted Vamshi Paidipally.
Aswini Dutt bankrolled the debut film of Mahesh 'Rajakumarudu' which got a success at the box office. However, the combo's previous film 'Sainikudu' couldn't live upto the expectations. On the other hand, Mahesh and Dil Raju's 'SVSC' scored a super hit. Mahesh, Vamshi Paidipally, Aswini Dutt and Dil Raju's combo appears to be a deadly one and may break the box office records. The film will go on sets in the month of February.