Mega Power Star Ram Charan's 'Magadheera' which was released in 2009, stood as huge industry hit of Tollywood then with astronomical numbers registered on the film's name. According to then trade reports, the film collected around Rs.65 crores share in its full run in Telugu states alone.
Although industry hit 'Atharintiki Daredi' broke world wide share of 'Magadheera' in its full run, it couldn't break the share collected by 'Magadheera' in Telugu states. Finally, 'Magadheera's share record was broken by 'Baahubali' released in 2015. All in all, 'Magadheera's collection records in Telugu states were kept safe hands for six long years.
'Baahubali's collection records were also expected to be safe for a long time. Leaving a shocker to everyone and all, Megastar Chiranjeevi's 'Khaidi Number 150' is all set to break 'Baahubali's full run records from all areas of Andhra region such as Krishna, Guntur, Nellore, Vizag, East Godavari and West Godavari. To sum up, 'Baahubali's collection records were lasted for just one and half years in Andhra region. Somehow, this appears like 'Khaidi Number 150' unintentionally degrades 'Baahubali's records. Eventually, 'Magadheera's record in Andhra got elevated.