Megastar Chiranjeevi's comeback film 'Khaidi Number 150' created huge records in every area it was released. But then, Vizag area makes a difference in the movie earning shocking profits. The movie has not only stood as the first film to have breached Rs.10 crores share mark, but also crossed the share of Rs.13 crores in the territory.
Having seen 'Khaidi Number 150's gigantic success in Vizag area, some observers are trying to degrade the film's status predicting 'Baahubali 2' would easily collect more than 'Khaidi Number 150's share.
Nevertheless, there are several factors associated with 'Khaidi Number 150's miraculous collections in the North Andhra area. Chiranjeevi has great track record in this area comparing with many other areas. He has one direct 100 movie each every year in Vizag city, starting from 1980 to 2007. When his 'Tagore' collected more than Rs.3.50 crores in the territory, there was no film which got collected at least Rs.2.50 crores share. Of these instances, it is understood that Chiranjeevi is enjoying a rare love and affection from Vizag area's people. As a result, it would be a Herculean task for 'Baahubali 2' crossing 'Khaidi Number 150'.