Power Star Pawan Kayan's great fan following makes Janasena stay in limelight even without the cadre is organized and strengthened. Although the Janasena chief has conducted a couple of public meets and raised his voice on various problems being faced by the farmers and handweavers, his soft corner on Modi and Chandrababu Naidu triggered many suspicions among the political analysts.
Meanwhile, senior director Thammareddy Bharadwaj posed an interesting question to Pawan Kalyan today. He asked the Power Star why he had suddenly stopped fighting on AP's special status. Also, Thammareddy questioned why Pawan Kalyan was not lambasting CBN and Modi in his speeches. Although Thammareddy might be supporting YSR CP in next elections battle, his questions on Pawan Kalyan appeared to be thought provoking.
The Janasena supporters, however, feel that every move of Pawan Kalyan was strategic and the Janasena's head would surely target Modi and CBN when he gets turned to active politician in 2018. Until then, we may see the Power Star's soft stand towards the heads of opposition parties.