Of late an English daily, which starts with letter 'D' in its name, is reportedly spreading more fake cine news than the real news. These news items are being circulated by some of the social and web media houses.
On the other hand, a nine numbered channel is broadcasting an interesting program titled 'Edhi Nijam Edhi Viral' everyday. The objective of the program is to reveal which is fake and which is a real news circulated by social media.
Sadly, the channel appeared to have targeted only social media but not other media agencies. In fact, some of the gossips circulated on social media are actually taken up from other media houses from print and electronic media.
The English daily published that Young Tiger NTR would be reprising the role of late NTR in Mahanati. Soon, the news went viral in social media. As usually, the channel mentioned that the news was spread in social media ignoring the origin of the news which came from an English daily.
In accordance, the channel is advised to reveal the exact origin of the cooked up story that the channel talks about. Similarly, the Newspaper should also ensure that most of the news items published in its tabloid are taken from authentic info from its reliable sources.