Young Tiger NTR's Jai Lava Kusa teaser received good response among the fans. Especially, fans were connected well with the dialogue, "Aa Ravanunni sampalante samudram Ravanunni sampalante samudramantha dha...dha..dha...dhairyam vundala."
It is a known news that Prince Mahesh's Spyder and Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna's Paisa Vasool are also releasing for Dussehra season apart from JLK. In this connection some of the netizens are seen provoking other films commenting that both Spyder and Paisa Vasool need 'Samudramantha Dhairyam' to face JLK.
But then, do they really need such bravery facing JLK? If at all the teasers of Spyder and Paisa Vasool are released, the competition would take a new turn. It's heard that Spyder's new teaser will be out soon while Paisa Vasool's teaser date is yet to be announced. Let's wish the teasers and trailers of all these movies would receive overwhelming response and it would lead the films showing impressive performances at the box office for Dussehra.