Here is the most exciting news for Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna's fans. According to the highly placed sources, Balakrishna and Anil Ravipudi's combination has been confirmed and its going to be the 103rd venture of Balakrishna. Vasavi Film distributors of Guntur area are likely to bankroll this interesting project.
Earlier, Anil Ravipudi's name was connected with Balakrishna's 100th film. Anil was said to have narrated a script titled 'Ramarao Garu' then. But the movie couldn't get materialize then.
tt remains to be seen whether Anil will go ahead with the previous script narrated for Balayya or will prepare another subject for Balakrishna. Anil Ravipudi is riding high with the super hits like Pataas and Supreme. He is currently wielding megaphone for Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja's Raja the Great.
Balakrishna, on the other hand, is working for his 102nd film being directed by KS Ravi Kumar. Balakrishna and Anil Ravipudi's combo movie may go on sets post the release of Balayya and KS' film.