Young Tiger NTR's Jai Lava Kusa hit the screens today and carried mixed reports at the end of its early morning shows. NTR delivered career's best performance in Jai character while he was good at Lava and Kusa roles. Particularly, he exhibited top notch performance oozing out his grey shades as Ravana. Although Lava showcased innocence in his role and Kusa generated laughs, both appeared to be dummies in front of Jai.
Rashi Khanna and Nivetha had little space to perform. Sai Kumar did a good job as a supporting actor. Tring Tring and Ravana songs were shot well.
However, Jai Lava Kusa story has many flaws in it. It's an age old story that has no twists and turns in it. Some of the stage performance scenes appeared to have been forcibly incorporated to display the acting prowess of NTR. While first half was entertaining with some hilarious scenes, second half was filled with heavy doses of sentiment among brothers. Climax was a huge let down. It was thought Jai had if any hidden task to do favour to his younger brothers. But then, his character gets changed only in the last scene of the film. Fights were not upto the mark though dances were good in songs like Tring Tring.
Although, there are some drawbacks in the movie, NTR's one man show throughout the film may turn an advantage for the film at box office. Let's await the final verdict of the movie in a couple of days.