As we know, Young Tiger NTR's Jai Lava Kusa makers released a poster that showcased Rs.100 crores gross for six days. While some of the observers are still scratching their heads how that feat was possible in just six days, here comes Prince Mahesh Babu's Spyder poster which reads Rs.51 crores gross collected on its first day. Somehow, this poster appeared to have got inspired by Jai Lava Kusa 100 crores poster.
Mranwhile, Spyder carried divided reports on day one of its release. Furthermore, the movie got medium openings. Team Spyder needs to start post release promotions aggressively to save the film from depressing further.
Rakul Preet Singh has done female lead opposite to Mahesh in this sci-fi thriller. Harris Jairaj tocomposed music while the movie is directed by AR Murugadoss on NVR Cinema.