Young Tiger NTR's Jai Lava Kusa collected decent shares during Dussehra festive season. However, a dip in collections was recorded post the holiday season. The movie is yet to reach break even in many areas, as per trade sources.
In Chittoor city the movie was taken for Rs.42 lakhs on MG (Minimum Guarantee) basis by the exhibitors. But then, the film's business reportedly closed at Rs.26 lakhs. Although the film reached break even in some of the centres, the movie is yet to reach break even in other centres.
Jai Lava Kusa was sold out for Rs.12.60 crores in Ceded area. The movie collected Rs.11.15 crores at the end of its two weeks run. The movie is hoped to get break even at the earliest.
Directed by Bobby JLK has Rashi Khanna and Nivetha Thomas in lead actresses roles. Devi Sri Prasad has scored music. Kalyan Ram produced the film on NTR Arts.