The other day, it was strongly buzzed in social media that Young Tiger Ntr's fans from Karnataka state had decided to build a temple for the star. A top TV news channel rang to Ntr's manager and Karnataka state's Ntr fans president to know the reality in the news. Both of them, rubbished the gossips and made it clear that no such plans of building a temple for Ntr in Karnataka.
It is a common practice in Tamil Nadu fans construct temples for their favourite stars in the state. Then top actress Khushboo's temples were constructed by fans.
Some time ago, mega fans also thought of building a temple for Power Star Pawan Kalyan. The Power star, however, advised them not to construct temple for him. As such, they dropped their plans of building up a temple for Power Star.
In the meanwhile, Ntr and Trivikram combo's crazy project will go on sets in the early first half of next year. Anirudh will score the tunes of the movie.