Senior hero Rajasekhar's new film Psv Garuda Vega created a huge sensation carrying unanimous positive talk everywhere. The film has been made as a technical extravaganza with some stunning action sequences superbly shot by the director Praveen Sattaru.
On one hand, the film was lauded by the review writers, while on the other celebs are showering praises on the film's team. Rajamouli, who always stands top in encouraging films with innovative concepts, has heaped praises on the film.
"Congratulations team Psv Garuda Vega.. Film carrying quite a positive buzz.. Booked our tickets for Sunday..," tweeted Rajamouli.
The film's production team Jyostar Enterprises invested Rs.25 crores which are more than to that of Rajasekhar's market stamina. Even then, the film is likely to reach break even at the earliest with positive talk turned as a bless in disguise for the makers.
Pooja Kumar and Shraddha Das were seen in other lead roles while Sunny Leone sizzled in a hot item number.