Entire Telugu cinema market including media is going gaga over Psv Garuda Vega which is termed in particular as Rajasekhar’s comeback. Agreed that the film is made on top notch technical standards with thrilling content, exciting narrative by Praveen Sattaru but these attributes which are considered so positive for the film are in-turn proving harmful in preventing the complete range of success.
Right from technical title Garuda Vega to Rajasekhar’s promotion as NIA cop on special mission with scientific elements imbibed in storytelling, everywhere in Telugu states and abroad this film is totally neglected by family audience. To remind here, Rajasekhar is a hero with humongous Fan base in ladies but Garuda Vega has no proper stuff to pull them near theaters.
Only saviors for Garuda Vega on commercial terms are the educated and enlightened class who are appreciating the attempt. How far this section alone can pull the movie at ticket counters is a big test from today that is Monday.
Meanwhile, a film opened with decent positive talk grossing just $262K in four days at Overseas cannot be called a big achievement. At the same time, Garuda Vega’s performance in domestic trade market is also not mindboggling. Well, at might this film rekindled the hopes of revival for Rajasekhar but Garuda Vega truly is not a striking comeback. With its own limitations as mentioned above, anything close to Rs. 15-20 Crores theatrical share can be a possible and promising figure. At the same time, November is referred as infavorably bad month for film business and this has been proved invariably from years.
Then there is a big bunch of nearly 7 movies set for release beginning from Nov 9th with Adirindhi can put final brakes on Garuda Vega.