Top character artist of South India Prakash Raj has made sensational comments on actors who are entering politics. The versatile actor attended an event this morning in Benguluru. When he was encountered with a question how about actors stepping into the shoes of politics, Prakash Raj said, "Actors becoming leaders is a disaster for my country. I don’t like actors joining politics because they are actors and have fans. They should always stay aware of their responsibility towards them”.
Soon after the actor delivered these remarks on actors politics, his words turned hot discussion topic among netizens and they too are giving their own views.
As we all know, Power Star Pawan Kalyan, Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth and universal hero Kamal Haasan are joining politics soon. At this juncture, Prakash Raj's words might have irked the fans of those superstars.
Analysts, however, are of the opinion that every citizen of India has a right to join politics irrespective of his profession. As such, there should be no one to question above stars entry to politics. There are many actors in India who held various positions in politics and won people's acclaim. The success of an actor in politics depends upon how well he gets his perception developed on sufferings of the people and tries to get the people relieved of those problems.