Power Star Pawan Kalyan's Agnyathavasi received negative reports on day one of its release. The film may strike back keeping cash registers ringing this festive season or it mayn't reach the target collections.
But then, does the result of Agnyathavasi have any impact on Power Star's politics? Barring the successes and failures as a hero, Pawan Kalyan built craze parallel in politics. He is just one among a few stars of India, whose following and charisma are unshaken with movies failures.
As such, Janasena activists need not worry about Janasena prospects connecting it with Agnyathavasi's result. What is really worrying is that Pawan Kalyan's ambiguous stand in politics. As and when, Janasena gets liberated from the clutches of TDP, then only it can have a growth independently. Above all, entire mega family need to get united for the victory of Janasena in 2019. It then remains to be seen the take of Power Star in his politics.