Young Tiger NTR and Trivikram's combo film will go on sets soon. Post the debacle of Agnyathavasi, NTR appeared to have turned skeptical about the cast and crew that roped in for the project.
It has already been buzzing for the past couple of days that musician Anirudh would be replaced with Devi Sri Prasad for the film. Since Agnyathavasi's song couldn't live upto the expectations, NTR reportedly wants a change in music department.
According to another hearsay, Anu Emmanuel, who was thought to be the female lead of the film, maybe opted out of the project. It remains to be seen whether these emerging gossips are proved to be right or wrong.
Radhakrishna will be producing the film on Harika and Hassine Creations. Touted to be a family entertainer the movie will get released in the later half of the year.