Has BJP announced a running race contest to Janasena chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan and YSRCP's chief YS Jagan Mohan Reddy? According to AP CM Chandrababu Naidu BJP conspired to offer special category status to AP after letting YCP moves no confidence motion in parliament and makes the party's MPs resigned and then would announce SCS tying up with YCP.
CBN has another prediction that says BJP would make Pawan Kalyan do fast unto death. And then, BJP would announce SCS forming an alliance with Janasena.
It seems CBN's speculations are trustworthy. But then, who will be an ultimate choice for BJP? Pawan or Jagan? Whoever does dominating politics and win people's hearts, would they be achieving SCS to AP? Can we trust these speculations? For time being, there's no clarity in the exact political picture. However, it looks like TDP is running a lean pace of its history, as the party isn't wooed by any other party to get tied up. Let's wait, how well things move on!