Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth's Kaala is hitting screens across the globe today. Unlike Rajini's previous films, the movie is carrying low key buzz in Telugu states at the moment. The pre release business was also done for just Rs.30 crores on advance basis.
Having gone through the teasers and trailer, it is understood that it would be one more action entertainer with Rajini's Midas touch. He is projected as a leader of masses from the biggest slum area of India Dharavi in Mumbai.
However, all has not gone well with the release of Kaala. Rajini's statement on Cauvery waters irked Karnataka people and which led a ban on the release was imposed. Though Supreme Court gave nod for film's release, tension prevailed across Karnataka over the film's release at the moment.
Rajini has no significant hits over a decade except Robo and Shivaji which were made as VFX entertainers under top director Shankar's direction. As a matter of fact, Rajini desperately needs a hit with Kaala which would lay a right path for Rajini in his active politics. The effect of Kaala's success or failure may also befall on the business of Rajini's Robot 2.
Pa Ranjith has directed this movie on hero Dhanush's Wonderbar Films. Stay glued to this space for film's review at the earliest.