Controversial actress Sri Reddy has been targeting Natural Star Nani for the past couple of days. She has recently made serious allegations on Nani and Bigg Bozz 2 organizers. Sri Reddy alleged that it was due to Nani Bigg Boss 2 organizers removed her name from the contestant's list. Sri Reddy also accused that Nani had cheated her to give chances to her in his films.
However, Sri Reddy's allegations were severely condemned by Star MAA. The channel disclosed to n top media house that the contestants of Bigg Boss are selected a special team from Mumbai. Also, the channel made it clear that Nani is now way connected these selections. Finally, they revealed that never ever Bigg Boss organisers approached Sri Reddy to rope her in as a contestant.
On the other hand, Nani also rubbished the allegations of Sri Reddy. He said it's a routine affair for Sri Reddy to sling mud on him.
In the meanwhile, Nani's Bigg Boss 2's first episode was telecasted yesterday.