Casting process is happening for Balakrishna’s most prestigious project NTR, biopic on his late father Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao. As per latest reports, Sumanth is considered for a key role in the film which will go on floors soon.
Earlier, there were reports that, Naga Chaitanya who was seen as his grandfather Akkineni Nagaswara Rao will enact the same role in NTR as well. But, latest update is Naga Chaitanya is not part of the film and his cousin Sumanth is considered to play ANR.
Apparently, director Krish feels Sumanth fits the bill perfectly. Furthermore, many opined Naga Chaitanya botched to enact his grandfather in Mahanati.
Many young heroes from Nandamuri family and other compound will take part in the film to play different roles. The filmmakers will announce the complete list of cast and crew when they go for filming.