In the wake of Janasena chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan's intense criticisms on TDP MLA and rowdy-sheeter Chintamaneni Prabhakar, the ruling TDP turned panic with Power Star. Though they are aware of Pawan Kalyan's courage and bravery in defying any person who indulges in corruption and rowdyism, never ever had TDP and other political parties' leaders thought Pawan Kalyan would fume at a rowdy-sheeter like Chintamaneni.
On the other hand, Chintamaneni fell in a state of deep shocker with the unexpected attack of Power Star.
As a result, Chintamaneni couldn't digest Pawan Kalyan's revolt on his rowdyism and sent a couple of goons to the hotel to attack on Pawan Kalyan. The attempt was turned futile for the rowdy-sheeter MLA. And today, a gang of the MLA removed and tore the flexes of Janasena.
Luckily, the scene was captured by a Janasena activist and made it circulated on social media and Whatsapp groups. And now, people understood the fear of TDP's leaders on Pawan Kalyan and his Janasena.