It's a number one news Channel of Andhra Pradesh. It was launched with the sole and whole aim of a better society. Though the Channel appeared to be neutral with its political stand during the beginning days of its launch, its true colours have been elevated gradually. "Right now, the Channel is working round the clock for the welfare of TDP on caste biased grounds," say the political analysts.
Meanwhile, the Channel built a super speciality hospital at a village in Krishna district and AP CM Chandrababu naidu attended the inauguration ceremony.
While addressing the gathering, the Channel's CEO made some remarks on 'Kula Gajji'. Ironically, his speech appeared to be the self criticism.
"Though the world is explored with technological advancements, Kula Gajji still exists in Telugu states. Sadly, NRIs in the US, who are well educated, also biased about caste. These barriers of the caste should be broken," says the Channel's head.
But then, every word uttered by the CEO implies to the Channel's stand on various aspects. For an instance, the Channel almost expelled Janasena activities due to caste biased factors. Also, the Channel focuses much on criticizing YSRCP due to its caste bias on ruling party. The Channel always backs Nara Lokesh Babu in spite of knowing the fact that he has been a political novice and has no capability to win as a ward member without having his father's background.
And last but not the least, the Channel's head invited only AP CM CBN for the hospital's launch on caste biased reasons. Else, he could also have invited opposition leaders like YS Jagan and Pawan.