An African country's Apex court Judges have developed sadistic attitude and have reportedly started giving verdicts in such a way they are creating religious riots and gender disputes among people.
Without foreseeing the consequences, the Judges panel allowed the women to go in a religious place where women haven't been allowed to enter over centuries. However, 99.9% women have no regrets for not being entered that religious place as they are well aware of the fact that its the dharma to be observed in a such a holy place.
However, aforesaid Judges panel took such an extreme decision after a petition filed by some rebellious social activists, who are said to have some evil intentions spoiling religious dharmas of the holy place.
Meanwhile, whole people turned united against the Apex court's decision and haven't let the women entered in the religious place. Priests have also warned that they would lock the doors of the religious place if the rules of the place are broken. Eventually, the decision of the Judges has gone futile. They have felt humiliated secretly at the moment and their egos have deeply been hurt.