The other day Power Star Pawan Kalyan, chief of Janasena, went on a train tour from Visakhapatnam to Tuni on Janmabhoomi Express. He halted at various places in between and interacted with the people to find out their problems and aspirations. This delighted not only his fans, supporters but also common people as they got to see Power Star closely and also interact with him which remained a distant dream till few years ago.
In the meantime the snaps of Pawan in train are going viral on social media. While his fans are super excited, those who saw the snaps are finding fault with Pawan Kalyan for his irresponsible and careless attitude.
He was seen standing and sitting near the door of the compartment. In some snaps he was seen taking selfies standing at the door. While this may look heroic and macho, everyone knows it is an offence to travel standing next to the door. People say seeing Pawan many others may follow the same emulating their hero and this may result in accidents. They say he should have set an example being the leader of a political party.