When Rajamouli starts his project, not a single day passes without any updates about it. Though he did not invite media for the launch of his upcoming multi starrer RRR with Ntr and Ram Charan, media did not develop any grudge but instead coming out with sensational articles about the project.
Currently, Rajamouli is canning high voltage action scenes on Ntr at Aluminum Factory, Hyderabad. Already the makers are erecting sets to recreate the 1920s atmosphere and according to the latest updates Ram Charan will sport a new hairstyle while Ntr will beef up and sport a beard drawing inspiration of Amir Khan in Dangal.
Buzz is Ram Charan will be seen as a cop while Ntr as a powerful thief. Now reports are coming out that Rajamouli turned RRR sets into a war room. It is known that war room will be ceNtral point for all the decisions.
The makers came up with a manduva house near the extravagant sets and Rajamouli will use it as his office. A separate room is there for editing and another room will be used for costumes. Similarly another room is allotted for the equipment and properties belonging to the sets. Ram Charan and Ntr got two rooms and other cast and crew too got rooms separately. Music discussions with Keeravani will happen in the same rooms.
Rajamouli has taken this decision as it takes lot of time for travelling. Rajamouli is also planning to come up with a new language similar to kiliki in Baahubali. Since the story as a forest backdrop, Rajamouli is planning to have a new language. Hunt is on for the three heroines and rumors are spreading about the film titled as Rama Ravana Rajyam.