It is a known news that Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) recently conducted a series of raids on some politicians and realtors in Andhra Pradesh. Since most of them were alleged to have indulged in corruption along with ruling TDP's top leaders, CBI had to resort to raids to checkmate the corruption.
But then, AP CM Chandrababu Naidu took an extreme step to counter CBI's raids. He ensured a G.O. released which prevents CBI entering AP. TDP's loyalists heaped shower of praises on CBN's decision. Pro TDP's media has also written bhajan articles with banner headings.
Much to TDP's embarrassment, Enforcement Directorate (ED) raided the properties of former TDP's MP and union minister Sujana Chowdary and seized six luxurious flagship cars. Also, Sujana Chowdary was summoned to appear before ED personnel on November 27 for interrogation. ED disclosed that Rs.6000 crores fraud was committed by Sujana through 120 shell companies.
Having gone through these unexpected developments, TDP's activists are appealing CM to impose a ban on ED. Will CBN make sure another G.O. released which prevents ED's raids on TDP's leaders? Will it actually be possible? Let's wait and watch.