Tollywood did not show that much interest to move out of Hyderabad, even though AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu promised various sops and requested them to shift to Visakhapatnam. However Tollywood stars like Victory Venkatesh, Mega Star Chiranjeevi and others are allegedly making a beeline to Visakhapatnam. But they are not landing in Vizag for any film shoots.
Actually, Venkatesh happened to visit a wellness center near Ramanaidu Studios. He at once became its regular customer after loving its ambiance. His elder brother Suresh Babu too visited once and he too loved the Wellness center.
Megastar Chiranjeevi also fell in love with the wellness center and he became its regular customer. Apparently, stars like the wellness center due to its proximity and also its serene atmosphere.
So, Tollywood stars now found an alternative to Bengaluru wellness centers and are extremely happy about it.