Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma is known for his posts which always go viral on social media. He has now come with up a stunning take on Mega Power Star Ram Charan's Vinaya Vidheya Rama trailer which was released in style by CM KCR's son KTR yesterday.
After watching the trailer he posted, "Trailer of Boyapati is just WOWWWWW. They should release this in Hindi too because it is looking like gold (KGF) mixed with diamonds... I so wish that this was Ram Charan’s first film in Hindi instead of #Zanzeer... He is looking SIMPLY MINDAFUCKINGBLOWING." This is really surprising because RGV most probably criticizes actors. But, this time he praised Charan.
VVR features Ram Charan romancing Kiara Advani while taking on Vivek Oberoi, who is playing the baddie. Prashanth, Sneha, Aryan Rajesh are playing key roles in the film slated for a grand release on Jan 11, 2019.