Ex Chief Minister Nadendla Bhaskara Rao stood as one of the companions of late NTR when the latter floated TDP in 1982. Nadendla had to render his services as a CM for a very short period in some unpreventable political situations existed then.
Meanwhile, Nadendla has given interviews to some TV news channels recently. He made some shocking allegations on late NTR.
When Nadendla was asked to say some good qualities of NTR, Nadendla said he had noticed no good qualities in NTR. Besides, Nadendla disclosed some bad habits of NTR. "NTR wouldn't flush bathroom which created an immense inconvenience to the people," says Nadendla.
While answering to another question, Nadendla alleged that NTR had a relation with a woman from Vijayawada. Hearing the words of Nadendla, late NTR's fans have irked with Nadendla's words.