Kajal Agarwal who gave sleepless to movie lovers in Tollywood romancing top stars is training her guns in Kollywood. After romancing Mega Star Chiranjeevi in his 150th film Khaidi No 150 and Hot Hunk Rana in Nene Raju Nene Mantri, she is now starring in Queen Tamil remake Paris Paris and also starring in Kamal Haasan's Indian 2 under Shankar's direction.
Kajal meanwhile made a shocking revelation on how she punched a miscreant who troubled her friend. She said, "One time a person started troubling my friend and at that time I pulled him by his collar and punched him on his face."
Kajal on casting Couch and MeToo movement said, "Many are making shocking claims that for offers they have been asked sexual favors and all that is not true but I haven't experienced such dark sides in my career."
Kajal is presently busy shooting for Bellamkonda Srinivas starrer Sita directed by Teja.