Mega Power Star Ram Charan's Vinaya Vidheya Rama has done theatrical business Rs.90 crores world wide. However, with the makers dismay, the film received disaster talk on day one. In spite of the negative talk and poor ratings, the film collected respectable shares in many areas and minted a total of Rs.63 crores world wide share.
Having gone through the film's theatrical business and full run shares, the film had an exact recovery of 70% of its investments and suffered 30% losses. Considering its initial talk, a reversal of the situation was expected but then, thanks to Mega Power Star's star power at the box office which minimised the losses.
According to trade gurus, the film that suffers upto 60% of losses is said a disaster. VVR has been a disaster in areas like Overseas and Nizam. However, overall collections are taken into consideration, the film stood as a flop but not a disaster.